What do you think links your interest to D.I.D.?

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What do you think links your interest to D.I.D.?

Post by SnidelyOne »

Just to clarify I'm not doing a psych paper or something; I've taken my psychology courses already so there's no reason for me to collect data these days (it'd certainly make for an interesting topic though!). :lol: I'm just curious about what fellow minded D.I.D. enthusiasts think about themselves in terms of enjoying this particular "genre".

These have always been major questions for me; what sparked this interest in the first place? What role do these scenes play? What role do I play towards D.I.D. scenes?

As far as cause on a psychological level goes it can be easily stated that one assumes the role of the villain as that is how one could admire their handiwork with the damsel that much more; however I think I prefer to think of myself as the good guy coming to save the damsel and just happening to spare more than a few glances before rescue. 8)

As far as cause on a genetic level goes I've always wondered if there could be a link there; perhaps past ancestors who partook in a similar activities help inspire a similar fetish in the present? In that case though it's likely more of a cultural correlation than anything else, but both questions make for good pondering I feel.

The genetic level for me goes as far as being Texan (lassoing and roping cattle), German (they seem to have been stereotyped as liking bondage), and a little Native American ("Cowboys and Indians").

I can't say I've a genetic link as far as being Asian goes but I've certainly more than enough ample interest in it on a cultural level. :D

As was the case in my previous posting I'm sure this isn't the first time these questions have been asked but I wasn't able to find a post from before like this so here's what may or may not be old news for some.

Feel free to question your own preferences and probable causes should you choose; it was personally fun to explore such inner workings myself. :)
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Re: What do you think links your interest to D.I.D.?

Post by scarface »

Interesting topic. I don't know if my english is good enough to enhance the discusion, but I think I would have problems to talk about in my mother tongue.
I don't know if anybody in my family has been into bondage, but somehow it is in my DNA. Remembering the topic about the first DID scene we encountered I think it was actually the last screen of the first gameboy game of the ninja turtles. You see April tied up while a turtle starts to free her. I'm quite sure this was the first time for me to see a tied up woman/female cartoon character. I assume at this moment my brain turned a shift or something. Considering beeing like 4 or 5 years old when I played I had no clue what it is, but everytime I watched cartoons and saw a damsel in distress I had butterflies in my stomach (I don't know how to translate this phrase so I used word by word translation I think you know what I mean).
Some people would assume that I like to reign over women, beeing in a powerful position, but actually I'm not one bit like that. On the other hand I am not submissive. So I think I'm in between, depending on the situation. In the case of bondage I would maybe enjoy beeing tied up. I actually never asked a girl/woman to do it, but as a kid I used to tie up the sister of a good friend of mine. I actually used her skipping rope. I was so young, I did not even know about sex or anything, but it was there already. I actually never used bondage as a sexual thing and I don't like BDSM movies. Most of the stuff is too weird for my taste, so I'm into light bondage. I just think it looks so sexy to have bound and gagged damsel, but also knowing it will not have a bad ending for her. So it's something parallel to my "normal" sexuality. Especially liking animated stuff so much. I also like general bondage, but cartoon characters work way better for me. The reason for that? I have no damn clue, lol.
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Re: What do you think links your interest to D.I.D.?

Post by SnidelyOne »

Those are some interesting points!

Yeah, some of that heavier BDSM stuff can get really extreme; even the thumbnails for those videos are waaay to far from my range of interest. I'd have to agree that there is something very sexy about a bound and gagged damsel; for me I feel it's in a way akin to sexy underwear in that like that underwear it can stress the more important parts of a woman depending on how she wears her lingerie/ropes. :)

You had a friend whose sister let you tie her up? Lucky break, I think I played "cowboys and indians" once as a kid but I asked to be an ambassador between the two sides (an odd choice I know); however it meant I could go to either side and look over the prisoners of which a few were female. I didn't know how much I appreciated it back then but yeah, the thing that sucked about it was that I didn't get to do any actual bindings. ;_;

And I know what you mean about bad endings. "Gorror movies" have kind of ruined the concept of D.I.D. in that should they feature a scene with a tied up damsel they usually then move to do something absolutely obscene and awful with her. Consent is a powerful concept, and it's unfortunate that there aren't more movies and shows that feature safe, consensual, light bondage relationships. Like Nana to Kaoru; but in the form of a show or movie. :D
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Re: What do you think links your interest to D.I.D.?

Post by scarface »

SnidelyOne wrote:Those are some interesting points!
You had a friend whose sister let you tie her up? Lucky break...
Well as far as I remember she didn't like it that much. But it was ok for her. Once I even had a way better experience. The daughter of the best friend of my mother ist actually like 1 or 2 years younger than me and as a teenager she was annoying as hell. Once my parents hosted a party and she was at my parents house. We were actually 3 kids that night. There was also the son of our neighbours who was a friend of mine during that time. I think we watched a movie or something and she really got on our nervs with talking and stuff. I think my friend said to her that we tie her up if she won't stop at this point. Believe or not she responded that we should do it if we have the balls. My dad had some duct tape in the basement and we tied her up with that. We wanted to gag her with the tape, but she asked us to use something else, because it would hurt if we take it off, so I used a scarf as a cleavegag. I was like 14 or 15 and it was an amazing feeling. She actually liked beeing tied up and even though she struggled like hell she was enjoying it. Nowadays she became one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. Seriously, she could be a model. Thinking that I actually used to tie her up is actually kinda unreal now. Too bad I never tried to date her or something because she was really annoying back then. Of course she is in a relationship. (damn) It really happend I swear it. One of the best evenings in my childhood for sure. And yes we kept her tied up for a while. I don't really remember how long, but it was at least 30 minutes.

I hope this fits into the topic, because we can discuss our role and stuff, right?
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