These have always been major questions for me; what sparked this interest in the first place? What role do these scenes play? What role do I play towards D.I.D. scenes?
As far as cause on a psychological level goes it can be easily stated that one assumes the role of the villain as that is how one could admire their handiwork with the damsel that much more; however I think I prefer to think of myself as the good guy coming to save the damsel and just happening to spare more than a few glances before rescue.

As far as cause on a genetic level goes I've always wondered if there could be a link there; perhaps past ancestors who partook in a similar activities help inspire a similar fetish in the present? In that case though it's likely more of a cultural correlation than anything else, but both questions make for good pondering I feel.
The genetic level for me goes as far as being Texan (lassoing and roping cattle), German (they seem to have been stereotyped as liking bondage), and a little Native American ("Cowboys and Indians").
I can't say I've a genetic link as far as being Asian goes but I've certainly more than enough ample interest in it on a cultural level.

As was the case in my previous posting I'm sure this isn't the first time these questions have been asked but I wasn't able to find a post from before like this so here's what may or may not be old news for some.
Feel free to question your own preferences and probable causes should you choose; it was personally fun to explore such inner workings myself.