Josie and the Pussycats

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Josie and the Pussycats

Post by Torpedo184 »

One of my favourite trio of damsels to see in peril (and usually ropes), is Josie & the Pussycats. I've recently come across Archie Giant Series #67 and have posted the first perilous story on the main blog" onclick=";return false; The cover story (which is the last story in the book) will post to-morrow. With the first story you get a bit of "mind altering" and DID (there is a gas-bomb knock-out scene as well as plenty of bondage for all three Pussycats!)

I've also posted a few more Nancy Drew illustrations and there's more to come for her...muwahahaha!
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Re: Josie and the Pussycats

Post by ghostz »

nice finds
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Re: Josie and the Pussycats

Post by Miho »

nice scans, still looking for the illustrations tho
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Bill K.
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Re: Josie and the Pussycats

Post by Bill K. »

Actually that's Josie & the Pussycats #67. Archie Giant Series was a separate title. And I actually bought that issue off of the rack at the local convenience store for 25 cents.

Then a few years later I got rid of my entire Josie collection in a fit of incredible stupidity.
Catwoman: Think you can handle me?
Batman: I've got handcuffs.
Catwoman: Ooh.
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Re: Josie and the Pussycats

Post by Torpedo184 »

@ghostz, thanks!

@Miho, you'll find the Nancy Drew scans associated with their respective book titles. I'm not much for tagging stuff. You'll have to do a bit of detective work.

@Bill K. the Archie Giant series was a showcase of sorts. Each issue dealt with different character titles (Sabrina, Laugh, etc.) As for getting rid of your collection, I've done the same to many books & am still kicking myself for it :(
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Re: Josie and the Pussycats

Post by Chris »

Thanks for sharing I been a fan Josie and the pussycatas since I was little
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