A Request for Help/Advice

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A Request for Help/Advice

Post by Girltaker »

Alright, so, here's the skinny.

Last year, my webhost, Serverpro, was hacked by a group known as Team L0g!cs, and defaced the site's page. After some time they managed to get their site back up but it was never the same. The database could not be accessed, accounts could not be accessed, and worst of all, they are still charging their customers via their automated service.

But that's not all. Serverpro's staff, as well as Topcities', have ditched their failing business, and any and all attempts to contact them or their support is impossible, and this has been going on for months. At this point, both Topcities' and Serverpro's sites have become nothing more than index pages, and I doubt that's going to change anytime soon.

I, being one of the thousands of victims of this problem, am not sure what to do right now. I might not even keep my site anymore if I don't want to bother with all the coding and whatnot that comes with moving. But that's not the real concern here.

The problem is that they're still taking everyone's money, and there is no way to contact them or cancel the account. And I'm sure that that's got to be illegal, especially if they're refusing to do anything to help anyone with this problem, let alone fix it.

Thus, I'm posting this here to ask for help on what can be done about this. If you know anything at all about how to clear something like this up with the bank, how to cut off access to my money from these people... anything at all, please, let me know, though this thread or via PM.

I am hoping that you will understand my situation and that's something I don't want to be a slave to. I hope that once everything is cleared up there will be no future repercussions either... things are complicated over here enough as it is.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: A Request for Help/Advice

Post by angry123 »

Try contacting your bank, and explaining the situation in full to them, and make sure you bring some solid evidence that the money is going into fowl-hands, and unless you're dealing with a crooked bank, they should cancel the payments for you.
I wouldn't believe it either, really.
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Bill K.
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Re: A Request for Help/Advice

Post by Bill K. »

I agree with Angry123. Your first step is to contact your bank and have a stop-payment placed on their access to your account. The bank may charge you a fee for this, but they will do it if you request it. And if they don't, close your account and switch banks. It's your money.

I have heard of things like this happening, and from reputable (?) companies like Time-Warner Cable and others. They may be so occupied with other concerns that they simply forgot (or "forgot") to stop the automatic collections. It's a hazard of the computerized age. If afterwards you want to pursue legal action to recover the funds, keep your transaction notices from the bank as evidence.
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Re: A Request for Help/Advice

Post by Girltaker »

Right, thanks. I'll be sure to try that. I'll update if we get any results.
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