Tinker Bell Question

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Tinker Bell Question

Post by somedude111 »

Does anyone know if there are any good tie-ups or handgags in the Disney Fairies comic series? I saw one briefly in a store where Tink handgags one of her friends when they're sneaking by a dragon and the friend has to sneeze, but does anyone know of anymore? Thank you!
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Re: Tinker Bell Question

Post by Torpedo184 »

Other than the stuff I drew for DA there are few scenes of Tink & her friends trussed or gagged. I have a near complete run of the magazine sized comics and issue #10 has a scene where Fawn purposely lassos Tink around her waist in order to prevent her from crossing over to the "cold side" of the Hollow. Give me about a week to re-read and scan any other scenes & I'll post 'em up on my "Pixies in Peril" blog ;)

Incidentally, I have a complete scan of the Peter Pan comic (though it's an '80's reprint of mine), with all the Tink & Wendy DID scenes. At some point that will post to the blog, as well :green:
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