Rogue Angel #3-4

In this new title from IDW comics the main character Annja Creed is a world-traveling archeologist who also happens to have Joan of Arc’s magic sword. However in this issue she gets betrayed by a comrad and unfortuately for her she can’t summon her magic sword if her hands are bound! Although this scene has her hands tied in front, it does have some great inner monologue and some fine visuals and facial expressions! That marits some feature time in my book! Also we may even get more next month as it continues!

Rogue Angel 03

Well it turns out her friend didn’t betray her after all! Leaving a little present behind Annja is able to cut herself free of her bonds! The fun continues though as Rashmi gets into a bit of trouble herself afterward! This scene may very well continue into the NEXT issue as well!

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